With a month or two left for the Bengal Assembly polls, Trinamul leader and state minister, Firhad Hakim, has launched a scathing attack against the BJP government, asking it whether constructing Ram Mandir will help the poor in this country to beat hunger and poverty.
Mr Hakim has been consistent in his barbs against the BJP in the public rallies that he has been attending every day.
At today’s rally in Bagnan, Howrah, he criticised BJP government, saying its aspirations to build Ram Mandir will not fetch food for the poor in this country.
He questioned whether the Modi governments’ enthusiasm towards building the temple will solve the problems the country is at present plagued with.
The Trinamul leader warned the people at the rally about BJP’s methods of creating communal tension.
He said “BJP is using religion to gain political mileage. This is intolerable and must be condemned by the people. Saying Jai Sree Ram during political campaigns insults Ram. Faith is a matter of personal belief and one should not drag it to politics. The country is being handed over to capitalists.”
He highlighted the farmers’ agitation against Centre and said they cannot be sold off to the Ambanis and Adanis which the Modi government intends to.
Making an indirect jibe at those Trinamul leaders who joined BJP, especially Suvendu Adhikari, Hakim further questioned, “How can someone put their trust in the hands of those that murdered Mahatma Gandhi? It is better to claim one’s life than to defect to BJP from Trinamul.”
At a rally yesterday, he chose to highlight to the people how “insufficient” are the BJP leaders in Bengal.
Addressing the crowd, he said “It is hilarious to see how the Bengal BJP leaders are nothing better than just sitting ducks. The BJP realizing how weak is its organization in Bengal has now resorted to importing of national-level leaders to campaign for votes. BJP does not care about Dilip Ghosh no matter how important he thinks he is to the party.”