Ramakrishna Vivekananda Vedanta literature worth Rs 70 lakh sold at IKBF
Ramakrishna Vivekananda Vedanta literature worth Rs 70 lakh have been sold at the recently-concluded Kolkata International Book Fair.
the organiser of the International Kolkata Book Fair, which got underway today, the board had decided to start an awareness programme of leaving out plastic bags and use of jute bags instead to make the fair more environment friendly
(Representational Image: iStock)
West Bengal Pollution Control Board is working tirelessly for the last couple of years to put a leash on the menace of pollution which had allegedly witnessed an unbridled upward swing due to existence of high SPM in air but the state minister of environment Manas Bhunia today claimed that the anti-pollution deterrents installed in 150 locations in the state had adequately addressed the concerns to make the pollution scenario in the state in a better state.
To underscore his point towards mitigating the problems in higher PM levels, he listed several measures to safeguard the environment from being affected by the high presence of SPM. He said installation of antipollution deterrents in a big way in areas governed by municipalities and corporations alike. “In 150 areas, as prescribed by the NGT, the anti-pollution mechanisms had already been installed in 55 areas.
The process of installation however, now stood at 72. Besides, plantation of trees is also being encouraged to curb the menace,” asserted Bhunia. To buttress his claim of downward curve of PMs in areas once claimed to be the most vulnerable areas for pollution like Asansol, Durgapur, Haldia, Howrah, continuous efforts from the board (PCB) and the installations of the safety mechanisms had vastly improved the pollution scenario in those areas.
Discussion on efforts towards plantation of trees is underway and a blueprint is being worked on by the department concerned now. Besides, various workshops and sensitization programmes towards encouraging planting of trees are being organised. Mr Bhunia today also said that on the request of the booksellers guild -the organiser of the International Kolkata Book Fair, which got underway today, the board had decided to start an awareness programme of leaving out plastic bags and use of jute bags instead to make the fair more environment friendly