Dilip Ghosh, former state BJP president, continued his diatribe against his party’s central leadership for his defeat. He came in support of his party colleague and former MP of Raiganj Debasree Chowdhury, who too had to suffer defeat from Kolkata South.
Mr Ghosh raised questions on the rationale behind the party’s strategy of swapping Lok Sabha constituencies.
Continuing his dig at the party leadership, Mr Ghosh, the former Midnapore MP wondered that to win a lost seat, one has to do planning but here the strategy was just the opposite to ensure a loss.
“The outcome has proved this. For the last one year, I had spent most of my time in Midnapore. But I was denied the seat. There are so many MPs and MLAs of the party, yet why have the votes dwindled for the party,” Mr Ghosh wondered.
He even went on to say that the Prime Minister too had canvassed in each constituency but despite that the candidates had to face defeat.
He added: “I did not go to any party programme for the last four years as I was not invited. I like to be with party workers and love to be among them and will try to continue like that.”
Debashree Chowdhury too lost against Trinamul candidate Mala Roy from South Kolkata constituency.
On her defeat, the former BJP state president said that he had advised her to dig in her heels at her Raiganj constituency. But at Raiganj the person who won was merely a councillor, whom people hardly knew.