Maha Mela Special trains
To clear the extra rush of Maha Mela at Thakurnagar, Eastern Railway’s Sealdah Division has decided to run eight EMU Special trains.
Railway Protection Force and the Eastern Railway’s vigilance team apprehended a fake job racketeer yesterday at Old Koilaghat Building.
SNS | Kolkata | November 23, 2024 8:57 am
Railway Protection Force(RPF) (Photo by Dibyangshu SARKAR / AFP)
Railway Protection Force and the Eastern Railway’s vigilance team apprehended a fake job racketeer yesterday at Old Koilaghat Building. At about 12.20 pm the head constable noticed one person moving suspiciously near the entrance of the east side gate of the building. When the suspected person entered inside the gate with another person and started moving in the Koilaghat premises, the RPF detained them.
On interrogation, one of the persons disclosed his name as Rajat Dey Sarkar from Naihati, North 24 Parganas and the other person revealed his name as Soumen Hui from Garfa, West Midnapore. Rajat Dey Sarkar couldn’t reply satisfactorily and confessed his involvement in the illegal business of operating a fake railway job racket. The vigilance team of Eastern Railway also appeared to investigate the case and found the involvement of a fake job racket. Later, the suspected persons were handed over to police personnel of Hare Street police station. A complaint was lodged by the victim and a case has been lodged against the accused at Hare Street police station.
To clear the extra rush of Maha Mela at Thakurnagar, Eastern Railway’s Sealdah Division has decided to run eight EMU Special trains.
In what comes as good news for cricket lovers, the Eastern Railway has announced plans to run midnight special circular railway trains for IPL spectators. The zonal railway, in anticipation of the upcoming IPL matches at Eden Gardens, has decided to run two additional EMU trains to facilitate the movement of spectators.
The Eastern Railway RPF along with the GRPS personnel from Kamarkundu recovered arms, ammunition, and other incriminating articles from the possession of a suspicious individual at Janai Road railway station, under 'Operation Satark' on 13 March.