Justice Ravindra Bhat, former Judge of Supreme Court spoke about the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence. He was the keynote speaker at Dr Debi Prasad Pal Memorial Lecture at the National University of Juridical Sciences in Salt Lake recently. Justice Bhat said AI should be used with utmost care and human interference cannot be ruled out.
The lecture was organized by the Income Tax Bar Association, Calcutta, as a part of its centenary celebration. The session was chaired by Justice RV Easwar, former judge of Delhi High Court. SK Tulsiyan, president of the Bar welcomed the guests and spoke about the illustrious career of Dr Pal. Professor NK Chakrabarti, vicechancellor NUJS and senior advocate JP Khaitan were present at the meeting. Himadri Mukhopadhyay, secretary of the Bar gave the vote of thanks.