Special court grants bail to Ayan Sil in Bengal school job case
A special court in Kolkata on Friday granted bail to private promoter Ayan Sil in the cash-for-school job case.
The shocking incident was unearthed this morning while some sweepers of the Uluberia Municipality were dumping garbage at Banitala Khanpara waste disposal ground.
Eighteen foetuses found at a dumping ground in UluberiaiStock
Eighteen fetuses were found at a dumping ground in the municipal ward number 31 under Uluberia civic body on Tuesday triggering controversy over the spurt in number of illegal terminations of pregnancy allegedly in some nursing homes in the town.
The shocking incident was unearthed this morning while some sweepers of the Uluberia Municipality were dumping garbage at Banitala Khanpara waste disposal ground.
They spotted the fetuses kept mostly in plastic bags and containers and informed the matter to Mr Inamur Rehman, local councilor and vice-chairman of the municipal body.
Locals rushed to the spot soon after they came to know about the incident and said that 10 out of the 18 dumped fetuses were female while the rest eight were male. All the fetuses were sent to the nearby morgue at the staterun Uluberia Sub Divisional Hospital where a medical college is also coming up.
The incident prompted local residents to stage violent protests to demand that the municipal authorities probe the matter immediately. They alleged that many illegal nursing homes and private hospitals have come up in and around the government hospital as well as the medical college.
These private healthcare units might have dumped the fetuses at the waste disposal ground after illegal terminations of pregnancies, they felt.
The Uluberia municipal body along with Howrah district health administration has decided to hold a meeting with private hospitals and nursing homes on Monday.
An inquiry committee has also been formed by the civic body. Dr Netai Chandra Mondal, chief medical officer of health (CMOH) in Howrah, said, “It’s a shocking and serious incident.
This is not under my jurisdiction and principal and superintendent of the Uluberia medical college hospital are looking into it.” Dr Hasibul Mullick, superintendent of the Uluberia teaching hospital, was not available for comment despite repeated calls made to him by this correspondent.