Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar has sought details from Chief Secretary H K Dwivedi about the mechanism, modalities and the precise selection process for recruitment of senior consultants/consultants published by the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms.
On 26 November, state government notification announced recruitment of 50 consultants/senior consultants in different departments on contractual basis.
In his letter to Dwivedi, Dhankhar said: “Serious issues have been raised from several quarters regarding this matter in respect of the lack of transparency, accountability and modalities of the selection process of these consultants. Already recruitment in some categories is under judicial scanner”.
“The mechanism provided in the said notifications is opaque and in disregard to judicial pronouncements. There is widespread apprehension that by such a mechanism, administration is sought to be packed by ‘patronage appointees’. There are some alarmingly disturbing inputs that need not be indicated for the moment”.
Dhankhar pointed out a particular paragraph of the notification which said, “It may also be noted that in case the number of candidates is high, the State Government may, for the purpose of interview, short list the candidates on the basis of qualification, areas of specialisation and experience of the candidate including nature of duties discharged, kind of exposure, awards won and such other criteria as may deem fit in the context of the requirement of the particular assignments. Decision of the authority will be final and binding in this regard.”
Regarding this, he wrote: “The mechanism spelt out leaves all to be desired from the perspective of transparency and fairness. The declared selection mechanism is ex facie subjective, sketchy and arbitrary and does not appear to be fair, equitable on account of absence of specific details relating to this in the public domain. This tailor-made mechanism has all the trappings of extending favouritism and patronage”.
“In such premises, Chief Secretary be called upon to impart full details about the mechanism, modalities and the precise selection process to be followed for this recruitment at the earliest and not later than a week of receipt of this communication,” he said.