The director general (safety) of Railway Board, Braj Mohan Agrawal inspected the stretches between Esplanade and Howrah Maidan of Green Line and Esplanade to Mahanayak Uttam Kumar of Blue Line. Before the inspection, he held a high-level meeting with the general manager of the city Metro Railway, P Uday Kumar Reddy along with all the principal heads of various departments at Metro Rail Bhavan.
According to the carrier, Mr Agrawal started his footplate inspection from the new Esplanade Metro station to Howrah Maidan station and back in Motorman’s cab. He inspected the entry and exit gates, AFC-PC gates, ticketing system, escalators, lifts, signage boards, platforms, fire detection and suppression system and other passenger amenities and so on. The DG (Safety) also inspected passenger interchanging arrangements between Blue Line and Green Line 2 at Esplanade station.
Later, he conducted a footplate inspection of the Blue Line from Esplanade to Mahanayak Uttam Kumar stations.