School resumes classes after new teacher appointment
The Swaspur Sisu Siksha Kendra in Kalna that had suspended operation after its lone teacher superannuated on 28 February, resumed classes yesterday.
A senior district health official said: “The figure was recorded at 170 till today. In September, 60 dengue cases have been detected.”
(Photo: Getty Images)
After the deaths of two persons in very similar cases, two dengue patients have been shifted to the Kalna Super Specialty Hospital in Burdwan (East) today. Their blood samples have been collected for fresh Elisa tests at the neighbouring Katwa Super Specialty Hospital. Fifty-year-old Haralal Haldar of Krishnadebpur in Kalna, a betel nut trader, was suffering from continuous fever for four days with headache and nausea. His physician ascertained that common fever pills were not working and he was advised to go for dengue test, which finally detected the presence of the disease.
He was shifted to the Kalna hospital today. Kaushik Mondal of Kakuria village, a labourer of Naihati in 24-Parganas (North) was taken to the Kalna hospital. He was detected with dengue by the local physicians and he was shifted to the Kalna hospital last evening. Dr Krishna Chandra Barai, medical superintendent of the hospital, said: “Samples of both the patients have already been collected for Elisa test and they have been kept under medical supervision.” Kishore Das, a youth from Memari, was taken to the Kalna hospital with fever and nausea. He died shortly after being taken to the hospital.
The family members of the patient complained that the emergency ward’s physician didn’t pay adequate attention, which caused he youth’s death on 13 October. On 14 October, another patient Munshi Mohammed Mustaq was taken to Manteswar Block hospital with almost similar symptoms and he also died shortly. The district health officials conducted a probe into the medical negligence charges. The doctors, however, said that Kishore’s death occurred as a result of septicemia in organs and Munshi’s death was a result of severe myocardial infarction.
Burdwan (East) had recorded 350 dengue cases in 2018. A senior district health official said: “The figure was recorded at 170 till today. In September, 60 dengue cases have been detected.” Considering the frequency of cases last year, the Elisa test arrangements have been introduced in the Katwa hospital and this was done to reduce pressure on the Burdwan Medical College and Hospital. Today, the senior district health officials attended a meeting arranged by the Public Health Engineering Department on dengue in Burdwan town which was attended by the Block Medical Officers from all the Burdwan (East) blocks.
Dr Sunetra Majumdar, deputy CMOH – 2, Burdwan (East) said: “Most of the dengue cases were recorded in September this year and maximum patients were from Katwa sub division. A significant number of patients are from migratory population who came back to their native places from their places of work for the Puja vacations.”