The CPI-M has today announced all the Left parties are supporting the Bharat Bandh, called on 25 September by the Sanyukta Kisan Morcha. The party has begun protests in several districts in Bengal, demanding immediate action to cap the relentless price hikes of essential commodities, petrol and diesel.
A joint statement by the Left parties stated that it is supporting the Bharat Bandh on 25 September since the Narendra Modi-led central government is allegedly refusing to resolve the issues that are troubling the farmers who have entered the 10th month of agitation against the central government.
The statement further alleged that the central government has remained unmoved from their position, ignoring the demands of the farmers which include scrapping the new farm laws and putting in place a minimum support price (MSP) system.
The parties have further claimed that the centre must junk the National Monetisation Plan (NMP) and the new labour code that has been brought about by the government. The CPI-M has opposed what it termed as “privatisation of national assets” and an attempt to allegedly sell off the country to crony capitalists.
Party leader Sujan Chakraborty has said that support for Bharat Bandh is pouring in from all corners of India against the Modi government’s policies and the West Bengal government must come clear on whether it is supporting the strike on 25 September.
Meanwhile, the CPI-M has begun state-wide protests in districts where protest rallies are being organised against both the state and the central government’s recent policies.
The CPI-M party workers are demanding immediate action to cap relentless price hike of essential commodities, petrol, diesel, vaccination for all, cash transfer of Rs7,500/month to non-income tax (IT) payers and ensure fair and corruption-free recruitment for the youths of Bengal. Rallies were brought out in both North 24 Parganas and Murshidabad, apart from other districts.