Asansol Cyber Police has arrested three cyber criminals from Andal Police Station limits yesterday. Sunil Kumar Choudhury, CP of Asansol Durgapur Police Commissionerate (ADPC) said that on the basis of information that some cyber fraudsters from Jamtara in Jharkhand, are presently residing at a rented house at Ukhra under Andal police station area and committing fraudulent activities by using different mobile phones and SIM cards officers of cyber police zeroed on the house and nabbed the criminals.
Acting on a specific tip off last night a raid was conducted by Asansol Cyber Police Station at Saradapally, Ukhra in Andal police station limits and three persons namely Manish Mandal (20) of Dewalbari in Jharkhand’s Jamtara, Amar Mandal (21), of Jagari in Deoghar district of Jharkhand, Santosh Mandal (35), of Patol in Jamtara district were arrested. Seventeen smartphones, two debit cards and three SIM cards have been seized from their possession. A specific case has been registered vide Asansol Cyber Crime PS61/2024, dt.-21.07.2024, u/s 316(2)/ 318/ 319(2)/ 61(2)/ 3(5)/3(6) of BNS. Today all these three accused persons have been taken into police custody for 10 days for further investigation.