The Leader of Opposition in West Bengal Assembly, Suvendu Adhikari said today that the Trinamul Congress chief Mamata Banerjee should use her party funds to compensate Tata Motors instead of using public funds. An arbitral tribunal awarded Tata Motors compensation of over Rs 766 crore for losses incurred due to protests by the Trinamul Congress, which led to the suspension of its small car project in Singur. ‘
“Mamata Banerjee and the Trinamul Congress are solely responsible for driving away the Nano project from West Bengal for their political gain. It is unimaginable that a factory, of which 50 per cent of the construction work was completed, was blown up by dynamite. The Trinamul Congress has sufficient resources in their party’s treasury.
Therefore, they should compensate from their own resources and be accountable for the actions that led to Tatas leaving Singur. Using taxpayer’s money to compensate is simply unacceptable,” Suvendu stated after a rally in Kolaghat this morning.
Suvendu Adhikari has called upon the state’s health minister to provide clarity on several key matters related to the recent allocation of beds for the two arrested persons at the prestigious SSKM hospital. The allocation, which has raised concerns among the public, pertains to two individuals arrested by the Enforcement Directorate, Koustav Roy, and ‘Kalighater Kaku’ (Sujay Bhadra), he said.