The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), on Wednesday, said it is conducting searches at four places in Bolpur and Kolkata in West Bengal in connection with a cattle smuggling case. According to CBI officials, a search is underway at the residence of a businessman in Bolpur, Birbhum who is said to be close to Birbhum district’s Trinamool Congress (TMC) president Anubrata Mondal.
Anubrata Mandal was sent to 14-day judicial custody by a special CBI court in the alleged cattle smuggling case last week. The TMC leader, who is said to be a close associate of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, was recently arrested in connection with the 2020 cattle-smuggling case.
Meanwhile, the judge of the special court claimed to have received a letter warning that if Mondal “was not released, his family members would be implicated in a case under the NDPS (Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) Act with commercial quantity”.
The arrest was followed by a war of words between the BJP and the TMC. West Bengal Finance Minister Chandrima Bhattacharya alleged that the CBI summons issued to Mondal were part of a “political vendetta”. BJP leaders, on the other hand, have been repeatedly accusing the TMC government in the state of fostering corruption.
On September 21, 2020, the CBI arrested a former Border Security Force (BSF) commandant in connection with an illegal cattle smuggling case on the Indo-Bangladesh border.
Anubrata Mondal’s name came under CBI scanner during an investigation into the case, the agency had claimed.
(With inputs from ANI)