The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) interrogated Shivaji Panja, a businessman, and IPS officer SMH Mirza in connection with its investigations into the ponzi scam and Narada cases respectively at its office at the CGO complex, Salt Lake.
A CBI source said that the summons to Panja was necessitated following some new information that turned up in the Rose Valley scam after a marathon interrogation of Rose Valley owner Goutam Kundu at the Presidency Jail for the last three days.
The source also claimed that the interrogation of Kundu was initiated after the agency gained access to some “incriminating documents” which indicated a direct link to Panja.
Panja was found to have been involved in both the Rose Valley and Saradha ponzi scam cases.
DSP CBI Shozam Sherpa and Rose Valley case investigating officer Bratin Ghosal had examined the Rose Valley owner at the Presidency Jail for the last three days. Agency sources also said that since Panja was one of the key players and had his complicity established in the other ponzi cases like Saradha, his interrogation will generate some new information that will likely come in handy in their overall investigation.
Interestingly, Panja, along with Kaustav Roy had faced incarceration following the arrests of the duo by the CBI in a Rs 515.15 crore bank fraud case in 2018.