Amid the row over the alleged harassment of former Miss India Ushoshi Sengupta by some rowdies in the city earlier in the week, an app cab driver has been arrested for the alleged harassment and stalking of another woman at Alipore .
Police sources said a traffic patrol party of Alipore police station today apprehended the cab driver for alleged harassment and stalking of a woman travelling in a car
An officer of the Alipore station said that the incident took place on the night of 18 June, when the woman who was returning home in a car. She was allegedly chased by an app cab which tried to halt her car.
The woman had in her complaint to Alipore police station said that she was chased by an app cab and subjected to harassment while returning home from her office. At one point of time, according to her complaint, the man had blocked her car. The arrest was made by two traffic sergeants who were on duty then near the Alipore Zoological Garden on that night.
An officer said the sergeants were accosted by the woman, who told them that an app cab was chasing her after she boarded the car on her way home.
Even as the woman was talking to the sergeants, the cab reached the spot, but fled immediately. The police sergeants gave chase, but the cab gave them the slip. But they had taken down the number of the cab, with which help they later succeeded in apprehending the driver.