Based on a statement of the a key accused in the murder of Bangladeshi MP Anwarul Azim Anar, multiple bones were recovered from Bagjola Canal on Sunday morning. However, it will only be clear after forensic examination whether these bones belong to the Bangladeshi lawmaker. The CID, accompanied by personnel of the Navy and Kolkata Police’s DMG team, began searching Bagjola Canal in Satulia, Bhangar, accompanied by key suspect Mohammad Siyam Hussain, who was recently arrested by Nepal police. Divers were deployed for the search, and several bones were recovered, including some long bones. The arrested Siyam claimed these are parts of Bangladeshi MP Anar’s body.
However, the police will confirm this only after forensic tests. It is noteworthy that Siyam had given a different location from the one previously mentioned by another arrested individual, Ziad. This new location was where the search was conducted, leading to success. According to police sources, the day after the murder, on 14 May, two of the accused, Mostafizur and Faizal, carried MP Anar’s head and pieces of his body out of the New Town residence in a trolley. Before this, the butcher Ziad broke the MP’s skull into several pieces. Bangladeshi intelligence officers learned from Faizal that they disposed of MP Anar’s body parts near a spot beside Jessore Road at the Bongaon border in North 24-Parganas. The search for these body parts continues. The alleged main conspirator behind this murder, Akhtaruzzaman Shahin, is now in America.
The CID has arrested butcher Ziad in connection with this incident. Meanwhile, three others were caught by Bangladesh Police. Interrogation of the accused revealed to the CID and Bangladesh Police that Siam had provided Ziad with a large meat-cutting knife to dismember Anar’s body. Siam also had a role in dismembering Anar’s body. On 15 May, he left Kolkata and reached Kathmandu, Nepal via Bihar. Upon receiving this information, the CID and Bangladesh Police informed the Nepal Police. Kathmandu police officers detained Siam. Senior CID officials went to Nepal, identified the accused, and interrogated him.