R G Kar rape and murder: Victim’s parents to meet CBI chief, Prez Murmu
The parents will leave for Delhi probably on Thursday and meet the director of the CBI probing the brutal rape and murder.
On a day of the arrest of Prof Sandip Ghosh, the R G Kar Medical College former principal, by CBI on corruption charges, the Burdwan Medical College principal ordered a probe against Ghosh’s loyalist PGT Avik De and also barred entry of De and his two aides.
Former and controversial Principal of R.G. Kar Medical College & Hospital, Sandip Ghosh (Photo:IANS)
On a day of the arrest of Prof Sandip Ghosh, the R G Kar Medical College former principal, by CBI on corruption charges, the Burdwan Medical College principal ordered a probe against Ghosh’s loyalist PGT Avik De and also barred entry of De and his two aides.
Besides the probe, the BMC, after its emergency college council meeting concluded late last evening, also has sought intervention by the West Bengal University of Health Services for re-evaluation of irregularities and discrepancies of five undergraduate and postgraduate students. The BMC principal, Dr Mousumi Banerjee told The Statesman today, “We’ve ordered a probe into the charges brought by the students and some doctors and in 3 to 4 days the inquiry committee will be constituted that will table a report within three weeks of its formation.”
The Trinamul Congress Chhatra Parishad president Trinankur Bhattacharya also issued suspension for Dr Avik yesterday.
Avik, currently a 1st year surgery IPGMER (Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education &Research) was the resident medical officer of radiodiagonosis with the BMCH. He, as the official complaint by the agitator students stated: “Accompanied by some ex-students was running a syndicate at BMC and was in league with Prof Sandip Ghosh and also was the mentor of a long persistent ‘threat culture’ here.” Avik also allegedly had forced students to join protest against Sandip Ghosh’s transfer in September, 2023 here. Avik, a pass-out of NB Medical College, according to Dr Subarna Goswami, joint secretary, Association of Health Services Doctors, “Had procured a fake certificate for PGT at IPGMER in Covid-19 quota in 2023 showing Covid duty when pandemic was absolutely over.” “He even used BMCH halls, infrastructure unauthorizedly for his marriage function,” said Dr Gouranga Pramanik, leader of the BMCH agitators.
The BMC principal, in her order, stated: “Those who are not academically, administratively related to BMC are debarred from holding any academic and service related post with immediate effect.”
Two of Dr Avik’s aides, Dr Bishal Sarkar and Dr Aveepsita Sarkar were issued ‘no entry’ notices in the college.