BJP state president Sukanta Majumdar sustained injuries when he slipped and fell on a car’s bonnet in North 24-Parganas district on Wednesday, even as party workers clashed with police personnel after being stopped from going to restive Sandeshkhali village. Mr Majumdar, the Lok Sabha MP from Balurghat constituency, was addressing mediapersons standing on the car’s bonnet, when he lost his balance and fell on it amidst an altercation between party workers and police at Taki on the banks of the Ichamati river.
He was taken to Basirhat State General Hospital and later shifted to a private nursing home in Kolkata. BJP leader Dr Archana Majumder said that he received an injury at his waist. Earlier, Mr Majumdar had staged a protest in front of Basirhat police station last night to demand the release of seven BJP supporterswho were arrested by police following a clash yesterday afternoon. Though briefly detained, the police eventually let him go. On Wednesday morning, tension rose again as Mr Majumdar and BJP workers were stopped by police from proceeding towards Sandeshkhali at Taki.
As party workers clashed with police, he fainted after falling on the bonnet of a police car which he had climbed. Last night, Mr Majumdar had put up at a guest house in Taki. On Wednesday he performed Saraswati Puja at the guest house, and later at Ichamati Ghat. Afterward, he tried to proceed to Sandeshkhali but faced police resistance. Earlier in the day, Mr Majumdar alleged that the police cordoned off the lodge where he was staying to prevent him from going to Sandeshkhali.
Meanwhile, police have clamped prohibitory orders under Section 144 of the CrPC at 19 entry points of Sandeshkhali to prevent any untoward incident. The most important entry points include Sadeshkhali Ghat, Khulna Ghat, Bolakhali Ghat, Trimoni Bazar and Patra Para. The movement of a section of women of Sandeshkhali against Sheikh Shahjahan, Uttam Sardar and Shibaprasad Hazra were organised from Patra Para.
Earlier, the prohibitory orders that were imposed under CrPC Section 144 was removed by Calcutta High Court on Tuesday. Protests persisted in Sandeshkhali for the seventh consecutive day on Wednesday, with a large number of women taking to the streets, demanding the arrest of TMC leader Sheikh Shahjahan and his alleged “gang.” The accusations against Shahjahan and his aides include forcefully capturing land and sexually harassing women.