Enforcement Directorate (ED) has received a complaint against actress-turned-politician and Trinamul Congress Lok Sabha MP Nusrat Jahan for being associated with a shady financial entity. State BJP leader Shankudeb Panda lodged this complaint against Jahan at ED’s Salt Lake office in the northern outskirts of Kolkata on Monday evening.
The BJP will provide legal support to individuals, who were allegedly duped by a corporate entity where the MP from Basirhat was an erstwhile director, the Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari said on Tuesday.
“Majority of the individuals, who were duped by the said entity were senior citizens. We have already approached the Enforcement Directorate with a plea so that the central agency takes up the matter. If they do, it will be good. Otherwise, we will be providing legal support to these duped senior citizens,” the leader of the opposition said.