The Bengal Safari Park is going to set a new record. Significantly, from April to November this year, it has earned Rs 5 crore rupees. Member Secretary of the State Zoo Authority Board, Saurabh Chowdhury, said that it will reach Rs 7 crore by April next year. In the last financial year they earned Rs. 5 crore 67 lakhs, he added. “There are still three months left in this year.
Therefore, the park authorities are hopeful that the record will be broken and a new record will be made,” sources said. Besides, Mr Chowdhury informed that pair of lions are coming to the park in the new year. This lion will be brought from Tripura. Meanwhile, another new leopard has arrived in the park. His name is Krishna. While the Bengal Safari Park has a variety of animals, it also has a lot of trees. Hence it is chosen for educational tours by various schools, colleges and universities. So on Sunday,
Acting Forest Minister Birbaha Hansda inaugurated a park built on biodiversity. She also visited the entire park. He also inaugurated ecycling on this day. The minister said: “The park is developing day by day. The number of visitors is also gradually increasing. We are hopeful that all past records will be broken in the current financial year.” But not only lions are coming to the park in the new year. Royal Bengal cubs along with bear cubs will be released on safari for visitors. Now they are slowly adapting to the environment.
They will be seen on safari in the middle of January. The leopard that was brought is also in quarantine for now. After 7 days the animal will also be released on safari. There is also the possibility of several more animals arriving in the new year.