Bengal BJP took to the streets over the Akhil Giri issue, demanding his immediate arrest. The state BJP’s Mahila Morcha organized a protest march in Kolkata today. The march, demanding the immediate arrest of Akhil Giri for threatening a female ranger, started at 3 PM in front of the BJP’s Murali Dhar Sen Lane office near Central Avenue.
On Monday morning, despite setting off from the MLA hostel towards Assembly, Akhil turned his car around and went back. From there, he took a photo of his resignation letter and sent it via WhatsApp to the office of the state chief secretary. This was because the chief secretary had instructed him to do so over the phone. After sending the resignation letter, Akhil stated that he was going to the Assembly. However, he mentioned he would not meet with the chief minister.
He said he would later inform the chief minister in writing about his complaints against the forest department. Despite this, Akhil was not seen attending the Assembly session on Monday. He was also not seen on the Assembly premises. Therefore, it appears that Akhil is not participating in the Assembly session for now, as Monday was the last day of the current session. However, Akhil had earlier stated that he would remain an MLA until 2026 and would continue to work as an MLA for his constituency, Ramnagar. However, the protest march was planned to proceed up to the statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. The march was led by the state president of BJP Mahila Morcha, Falguni Patra.
Akhil Giri, the MLA of Ramnagar in East Medinipur and the state’s correctional home department minister threatened a female forest ranger in an unprecedented manner, causing a stir in state politics. The BJP has already targeted the Trinamul Congress with harsh words over the issue. BJP leaders have demanded not only an unconditional apology but also immediate legal action against Akhil Giri. Rajya Sabha MP and BJP state spokesperson Shamik Bhattacharya, addressing journalists, today said, “There is a rule of law in this country. The court will take action if a government official is obstructed in their duty. Subrata Bakshi is neither a judge nor a court; how can he make such decisions? This is the culture of the Trinamul Congress.
They called those who attacked CBI and ED officials tigers. Akhil Giri thinks he can mistreat a female ranger because he is close to the Chief Minister.” The state BJP camp says, “The video of Akhil Giri’s threat has surfaced, and he also spoke about corruption in the forest department. We demand that the details of this corruption be revealed.” Notably, Trinamul’s state president, Subrata Bakshi, called Akhil Giri on Sunday and instructed him to offer an unconditional apology and resignation to the female ranger. However, Akhil Giri, showing no remorse for the apology, has only announced his resignation.
Amidst this, today, Monday, the BJP is taking to the streets, demanding Akhil Giri’s arrest. Meanwhile, state BJP tweeted that the TMC is attempting to mitigate the damage by having their Cabinet Minister, Akhil Giri, resign as he has allegedly not been asked to resign from the party or his MLA post, nor does he face any legal action following his sexist remarks and threats of violence towards a woman government officer.
The party tweeted, “This behaviour seems to be inspired by none other than TMC party supremo and Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. In February 2013, Mamata herself suggested that police officer KK Dwivedi should be whipped for delaying her car at the Kolkata Book Fair Gate. Akhil Giri appears to have taken cues from the top, feeling emboldened to threaten an officer with violence. If Akhil Giri is asked to resign, why should the Chief Minister and Police Minister of Bengal be exempt? Are the laws different for Akhil Giri and Mamata Banerjee?”