A local organisation jointly with the residents of Begumpore Panchayat area took innovative steps to stop the wastage of water from the roadside taps as well as household taps.
A local organisation, Begampur Science Society, which works on awareness programmes for the prevention and conservation of natural resources, jointly with the residents of Begumpore Panchayat area conducted a survey of the number of water supply pipe lines without taps and with defective leaking taps along the roadside.
To their amazement they found 20 water outlet points without taps and 10 defective leaking taps. The Begumpore Panchayat was promptly intimated of the huge water loss along the roadside from the faulty water unit outlets.
The local residents of Begumpore Panchayat area not ready to wait for 15 days which was the time sought by the Begumpore Panchayat to initiate the repair of faulty water outlets along the road side in the entire Panchayat area, set out to take up joint efforts with the Begumpore Science Society to find remedies to stop the continuous loss of water.
The water supply in the Begumpore Panchayat area is usually maintained from deep borewell units. Mr Kunal Laha the secretary of the organisation, said the everincreasing demand for water from the borewells is lowering the ground level water at an alarming rate. The erratic rain pattern has now become a matter of great concern. Due to insufficient rains, the deficit ground water level is not getting replenished and if steps are not taken to stop the continuous wastage of water from the roadside water unit outlets and household taps, the time is not far that the deep borewells will fail to provide the daily required volume of water to the Panchayat areas, he said.
He added that an awareness program was carried on in the entire Panchayat areas of Begumpore on conservation of water through stopping the wastage of water.
The residents of the entire panchayat spontaneously came forward with their available funds to contribute towards the necessary repairs, changes and replacement required to stop the continuous wastage of water from the faulty water supply pipeline water outlet units.
Sushmita Das a resident of Begampore panchayat area said, “We all have donated some amount to a greater cause. With the help of the local organisation we have put in 20 new taps and replaced 10 defective taps. We are making it a habit to keep the tap closed when not in use.”