Acting on specific tip-off by the head of Bangladesh detective chief Harun Ur Rashid, CID today embarked on a mission to unearth body parts, continued to be missing, by searching through sewerage system of a plush Sanjeeva Housing, where the Bangladesh Jhinaidaha MP was allegedly murdered and body dismembered.
Early today, the CID officers went to the Housing Complex at New Town, where the alleged murder had taken place and tried to solve the mystery of missing body parts by unplugging the pipe of the main sewerage, connected to the commode of the washroom and that disposed sewage into Bagjola canal as alleged flushing out of body parts allegedly by the assailants had gained momentum following information reached the CID sleuths from Bangladesh detective chief following interrogation of Jihad Hawladar, the alleged butcher.
Sources in CID claimed that Jihad had allegedly told interrogators from Bangladesh that after the MP was murdered, his body parts after being dismembered with a sharp weapon had allegedly been flushed out in a bid to wipe off evidence and disposed off into a canal nearby.
To trace out the body parts, divers had been pressed into service at Bagjola canal to retrieve them.
Jihad is also believed to have told investigators that human bones that had been chopped off and packed into a plastic bag had allegedly been disposed of near Krishnamati. But the state investigation agency had hardly found anything there despite a search there.
On the murder, Jihad had allegedly told during interrogation by Mr Rashid, the detective head of Bangladesh, that after the MP Azim was led into the plush housing complex at New Town allegedly by Amanulla and Faisal, he was allegedly attacked by Shilasti Rahaman, the alleged honey trap, who was already present there in the flat and had allegedly chloroformed into unconsciousness.
The CCTV camera that was installed near the kitchen was allegedly covered with a piece of cloth and leucoplast by Shilasti.
Then he was allegedly dragged into the kitchen and Jihad chopped the body, investigation revealed, CID sources claimed.