Saving history through photographs
A photography exhibition, Bonedi Bari Photography Exhibition 2.0 started today at the Kolkata International Foundation in south Kolkata.
The interim government in Bangladesh on Wednesday approved 49 agencies in the country to export 2420 tonnes (2,420,000 Kg) hilsa to India.
Ahead of Durga Puja, Bangladesh govt allows export Hilsas to India (Photo:SNS)
The interim government in Bangladesh on Wednesday approved 49 agencies in the country to export 2420 tonnes (2,420,000 Kg) hilsa to India.
The first consignment of the freshwater fish of the Padma is expected to hit markets in Kolkata and districts in West Bengal from Thursday.
The commerce ministry of Bangladesh issued a notification today, hardly four days after it announced on 21 August to export 3000 tonnes hilsa to neighbouring India ahead of the Durga Puja festival withdrawing its earlier decision to stop export of the most coveted fish of Bengalis in West Bengal.
Today, the commerce ministry decided to bring down the quantity to 2,420 tonnes from 3,000 tonnes.
With gradual increase supply of Padmar ilish to West Bengal its prices will also come down before the Puja in the city and districts, felt hilsa importers.