The CBI team again summoned Mihilal Sheikh, the eyewitnesses of the horrific incident for recording his statement today. Sources said that he and the accused Anarul Hussein will be asked to sit face to face during interrogations. He has been taken to the house of Sheikh lal Sheikh, whose wife has succumbed to her wounds yesterday in hospital after battling for life for last six days.
Today, the suspended IC of Rampurhat Police Station, Tridib Pramanik appeared before the CBI sleuths and his statement was recorded. The CBI sleuths wanted to know which leader called him or pressured him for not taking immediate action on that fateful night. He was grilled for about four hours. Though the police station is barely a kilometre away from the place of occurrence, but the cops arrived after half-an-hour.
The CBI has also sought the entire CCTV footage of Rampurhat Police Station of that day to find who had come on that night in the PS, including outsiders and what had occurred inside the police station. Also, the statements of the injured villagers admitted at Rampurhat hospital have been recorded. CBI is laying stress on recording of statements of the eyewitnesses and victims of family members.
Meanwhile, Birbhum district magistrate Bidhan Roy visited Bagtui village along with sub-divisional magistrate Saddam Navas and spoke to the students, who were appearing for the higher secondary examinations. The DM enquired whether any of them did not receive admit cards so far and if they were facing any other problem. Seven days have passed after that dreaded night in our village but still everybody is living in fear, said HS examinee Suhana Khatoon of Bagtui village.