erampore MP Kalyan Banerjee said on Sunday that the defeat of the BJP has started a countdown and bad days are ahead for the BJP in the national political arena. Mr Banerjee was speaking at a programme in Serampore.
He said 13 May 2023 will be remembered as the turning point in the political arena of the nation. The voters of Karnataka through their clear mandate have ousted the BJP from Karnataka.
They have proved that their is no such thing as Modi and Amit Shah magic prevailing in politics. The wrong policies of the BJP have paid them back, he said. The Serampore MP added, the defeat of the BJP has sent out the message to all antiBJP political parties who believe in secularism to unite to throw out Modi-led BJP government from the Centre in 2024.
With the defeat of BJP in Karnataka the dream of the party to extend its political power in the southern states has shattered, he said, adding that the party’s policy of divide and rule on religious sentiments and emotions will bring it more failures and political defeats.
The time is not far when BJP will have to struggle for its very existence as a political party, he said. The Serampore MP said 13 May is a very auspicious day for anti-BJP political parties. “On 13 May 2011 Mamata Banerjee was sworn as the chief minister of West Bengal, on 13 May 2009 I was elected as the Serampore MP, on 13 May 2023 BJP lost Karnataka and on 13 May 2024 the Modiled BJP government will go out of power for ever,” he said.