Spine disorders on the rise in industrial zone: Doctorss
Sitting postures and lifestyle disorders are the key reasons behind the increasing low back pain difficulties, besides impacts of underlying diseases, said experts.
Sunil Kumar Choudhury, commissioner of police of Asansol Durgapur Police Commissionerate (ADPC) said that the mobile Shakti Bahini formed few years ago mainly to patrol near the malls and colleges and busy market places to provide safety and security of women
R.G. Kar Medical College (photo:SNS)
After the horrific incident of a murder of a female doctor of R G Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata, the Asansol Durgapur Police Commissionerate (ADPC) has entrusted the Shakti Bahini (women police force wearing special black uniform and riding scooties) for providing safety and security to hospital staffs, nurses, doctors and patients of Asansol District and Super Speciality Hospital.
Sunil Kumar Choudhury, commissioner of police of Asansol Durgapur Police Commissionerate (ADPC) said that the mobile Shakti Bahini formed few years ago mainly to patrol near the malls and colleges and busy market places to provide safety and security of women, have now been entrusted with the duty of providing security of government hospital of this region.
The members of the Shakti Bahini will visit the campus early morning and will even roam inside the wards and will talk with the patients, relatives, nurses, para medical staff and doctors to know the present situation.
These members will have to report and sign in the attendance register of the facilities management services room (earlier ward master room) of Asansol District and super speciality hospital.
The main objective of this force will be to ensure safety and security of women present in the hospital and take actions if required.
Special dedicated phone numbers of the Shakti Bahini has also been printed in papers and pasted in important nook and corners of the hospital in case of any emergency.
The CP Sunil Choudhury said that the ADPC wants to restore back the faith and confidence of the doctors, nurses, paramedics and even patients present in the Asansol District and Super Speciality hospital.
Senior cops of the ADPC will monitor the daily functioning and operations of the force inside the hospital and emergency wards, the CP added.
Already the top cops of ADPC held a meeting with the superintendent and other doctors of the hospital and inspected the campus and sought a written proposal from the authority for further enhancing security inside the hospital. It is learnt that the strength in the police camp will be further increased very soon.
The doctors and nursing staff of Asansol District and Super Speciality hospital have also agitated on the issue of the murder case of the female intern doctor of R G Kar Medical College and staged protest seeking justice showing solidarity.