

Administrative building of Kanchrapara workshop gets IGBC green rating BY CII

The rating has been given by the Confederation of Indian Industries.

Administrative building of Kanchrapara workshop gets IGBC green rating BY CII

Green building Council of India (photo:official site)

In a significant achievement, Eastern Railway’s administrative building of Kanchrapara workshop has received the Green Existing Building Platinum rating of the Indian Green Building Council.

The rating has been given by the Confederation of Indian Industries. Kanchrapara Workshop is the first workshop in Eastern Railway to achieve Platinum rating for Green Existing Buildings.


According to the ER, vertical garden, 100 per cent LED lighting, properly segregated central waste yard, eco-friendly chemicals, installation of 560 KWP capacity of solar PV modules are some of the key green initiative measures undertaken by Kanchrapara workshop. Arun Arora, general manager of Eastern Railway congratulated all staff and officers of Kanchrapara workshop for achieving the recognition

