The Chandannagar police commissionrate under the instruction of chief minister Mamata Banerjee organised a special event for the aged and the lonely people. Named SPARCH, the event aims to take care of the wellbeing of the aged and the lonely people. The idea is to extend a helping hand to them and provide them company.
The CP of Chandannagar commissionrate Humayun Kabir today paid a visit at the residences of the aged and lonely at Bangur park in Rishra and gifted them a festive greeting card sketched by Mamata. Besides, new clothes and sweets were presented to them for the festive season. The people were given puja gifts by the police officials, who carried the message of the chief minister.
Mr Humayun Kabir on the occasion said the SPARCH programme initiated by the state chief minister for the welfare of the aged and the lonely has set an example for all and the present generation to be more caring and compassionate not only towards their parents but towards their grandparents also. Mr Kabir added during the entire festive season right from Durga puja to jaghadhatri puja they have arranged puja porikroma, get-together lunch and cultural programmes, and even a short journey on a launch up to Dakhineswar temple.