

Accident survivors cry blood theft by nursing home

Three Balasore train accident survivors taken to a Burdwan nursing home by their family members complained of siphoning of blood by the health care unit, which sparked off tension in the town today.

Accident survivors cry blood theft by nursing home

Clearnace work begins after the major three train accident (ANI Photo)

Three Balasore train accident survivors taken to a Burdwan nursing home by their family members complained of siphoning of blood by the health care unit, which sparked off tension in the town today.

Three accident survivors, Sabuj Sheikh, Nasrul Sheikh and Sukur Sheikh of Bamsore village in Bhatar PS area in East Burdwan were heading for Tamil Nadu to serve as wage labourers.


They were shifted to Burdwan town on 4 June and due to their minor injuries and panic attack, they were taken to a nursing home by the villagers and their neighbours under the supervision of local MLA Mangobinda Adhikari. They were admitted to the nursing home owned by Dr Somraj Banerjee.


The youth took voluntary discharge from the hospital after they saw stains of blood on their beds and channels planted in their hands. They suspected that the health care unit was siphoning out their blood when they were sleeping for two days.

They lodged a complaint with the chief medical officer of East Burdwan. Dr Banerjee meanwhile said: “The accident survivors were panic stricken and were weak. So, they were administered with sedative injections.” Now, after the complaint is registered: “Channels were planted to push medicines. These are all bogus charges and they are provoked by somebody. I welcome any investigation.”
