The Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) leaders belonging to Trinamul Congress will start campaigning in the areas dominated by the community from Friday.
This was decided at a meeting held at Nazrul Mancha between Abhishek Banerjee, national general secretary of the party and SC and ST leaders, today.
The campaign module titled Tapashilir Sanglap was released by Mr Banerjee today. This is for the first time when special stress is being laid on areas dominated by SC and ST people. Trinamul Congress will highlight how the BJP has deliberately ignored the SC and ST people, how they have lied to them and made false promises. The campaign will support Trinamul Congress’s steadfast support to the communities and continue to uphold their pledge to protect and ensure prosperity of all people from the SC and ST communities in the state.
Mr Banerjee gave a detailed briefing to 3,500 SC and ST leaders, who were present at the meeting.
It was decided that the SC and ST leaders will go to the areas dominated by SC and ST people in branded campaign vehicles and interact with the people. The leaders will address 3-5 interactive hotspot meetings in each habitation. A booklet will be distributed that will highlight BJP’s true reality and intent towards the communities across the country and as compared to their atrocities how TMC has been safeguarding the communities in Bengal.
Around 6,000 habitations will be covered by 3,500 SC and ST leaders. They will travel in 150 branded campaign vehicles. Through 25,000 plus interaction or sanglaps, around 1.5 crore people will be reached.
Mr Banerjee urged the leaders to pull up their socks and work for the people together. “There is no room for complacency and leaders will have to pump in their maximum effort. We will have to work to ensure the prosperity of the SC and ST people. The state government has taken so many schemes for their development, including the pension scheme. We will have to ensure that the benefit reaches them,” he said.