While the SRK-owned franchise, Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) will lock horns with Dhoni-led Chennai Super Kings (CSK) at the Eden Gardens tomorrow in IPL tie, Kolkata Police have made elaborate security arrangements to ward off any kind of untoward incident tomorrow.
The security arrangement apart, an elaborate plan on traffic diversion at the behest of the Kolkata Traffic Police had also been put in place on match days to ensure unhindered flow of vehicles. Though matches involving KKR at its home turf, Eden Gardens, were held incident-free earlier, the city police are taking no chances.
Over 8,000 police personnel have been deployed to maintain security in and around the stadium, including officers from the detective department (DD). Over 100 CCTV cameras have been installed to monitor the proceedings in and around the stadium and the players of both teams had been advised not to leave hotel rooms without intimating cops posted there. Cops in plainclothes deployed, claimed a source, would be responsible to maintain a watch on people with suspicious movements.
For the stream of spectators, who will flock to the stadium on the morrow, Kolkata Traffic Police have issued a well laid out traffic diversion advisory to avoid any traffic bottlenecks. There would be traffic diversion at the Eden on match days from 4pm to 1am, except on 29 April.