The state power department has proposed to instal 35 lakh smart meters, said Aroop Biswas, state power minister. He was replying to a question in the Assembly this morning. He said around 73.40 lakh people have been brought under the Hashir Alo scheme.
He said there was not a single village in Bengal which does not have power connection. An applicant gets a connection within seven days, he remarked. Minister for public health engineering Pulak Roy said stern action will be taken against those who charge money for giving water connection in rural areas. The matter was raised in the Assembly this morning.
Some MLAs alleged that some unscrupulous officials were asking for Rs 10,000 to give a water connection. Mr Roy said no charges are imposed to give water connection and urged the MLAs to remain vigilant and lodge FIR against those who will ask for money. He urged the MLAs to remain vigilant against those who are drawing water illegally resulting in water crises in some villages. Mr Roy maintained that steps have been taken to supply drinking water in every rural household by 2024-25