On the next day of conclusion of BGBS in Kolkata, investorfriendly Durgapur secured absorption of 350 unemployed youths in a bunch of industrial establishments on a single day at a job fair.
Responding to a call by ministry of education’s BOPT (Board of Practical Training), 16 industrial establishments operating in and around Durgapur enrolled 350 job aspirant graduates as their apprentice during the state’s second job fair here today. The participating establishments included secondary steel units, cement plants, logistic support units, core manufacturing units, information technology enabled services and robotech services, besides human resource based company firms.
Considering the fresh investment prospects in the pipeline in the wake of BGBS, Dr SM Ejaz Ahmad, director, BOPT, eastern region, said, “State’s vision and its own planning with the help and support of private industries seems really to be remarkable. Whatever investment is proposed here is primarily in infrastructure building that requires high level inclusivity of core sector people like persons with good knowledge of civil construction, mechanical and electrical fields.” Dr Ahmad added, “Once the infrastructure is developed, this will open up employment opportunities from the current emerging sectors like artificial intelligence, ITeS, block chains, financial experts. In the coming days, West Bengal, as we can estimate, will have huge employment prospects.
So, future job aspirants should prepare themselves with skilled training.” In October, Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered 51,000 jobs to the unemployed youths across the country in which Bengal, including the eastern region, had a stake of a significant 3.5 percent, senior BOPT officials said. BOPT has floated its local operation centre at a private-owned institution hub here. Professor Alok Satsangi, director of the institution said, “It’s really getting vibrant and the students from different institutions and disciplines including engineering, management and hospitality sectors are getting direct access for enrolment, which is really very encouraging.”