Students of 1987 secondary batch of Bratachari Vidyasram got together to felicitate their former teachers from the school at a function on Saturday. The programme called Sabek Siksakh Sammanana was held at the school premises amidst fanfare.
The purpose of the evening was to highlight the student-teacher relationship in the student community. Especially to show the present generation that teachers share their knowledge with love; how they try to shape the future. The students said they received this teaching from the then headmaster Dwijapada Mukherjee and their other education gurus. They have learned how to teach, and how a teacher becomes a part of the soul of his students.
One of the alumni of the school said the students met in school after 35 years of their passing out with an aim to do some social work.
This alumni honoured & appreciate the secondary topper boy & girls by a token gift by former headmaster Shri Asit Kumar Ghosh.
Prominent people of the area, teachers, teachers’ teachers, former and current teachers and staff, former and current students and their friends, government officials were also invited.