Automaker Renault India said it opened 50 new dealerships in 2017 to take the number to facilities to 320 across the country, up from a modest presence of 14 dealership facilities in May 2011.
Renault India progressively expanded its pan-India dealership network to 270 facilities at the end of 2016. “Staying true to its commitment, Renault India has added 50 dealerships in 2017, making it one of the fastest network ramp-ups by an automobile OEM in India,” Renault India said in a statement.
The company said all its dealerships across the country have been designed according to the ‘Renaultstore’ concept, a new generation of sales outlets conceptualised to address the evolving needs of customers.
Over the last few years, Renault has been focusing on establishing a strong base in India.
With upcoming Auto Expo 2018 at India Expo Mart, Greater Noida, the French car major Renault said it will showcase a range of products, including electric vehicles, performance and concept cars at the exhibition.
The company, being a global leader in electric vehicles, will showcase products from its global portfolio, along with F1 racing car highlighting its technology and breakthrough innovations, it added.
“Also, on display would be the existing range of Renault India product portfolio with innovative themes,” the company said.
(Written with inputs from PTI)