


Saffron blooms in the north-east: A new dawn for farmers

For years, saffron cultivation in India has been synonymous with the Kashmir Valley, but the North East Centre for Technology Application and Reach (NECTAR) has changed the narrative. Through innovative technology, scientific planning and farmer training, NECTAR has successfully cultivated saffron in the north-east, opening new doors of opportunity for local farmers.

Imphal National Institute of Technology in recruitment flux

At the moment, there are a total of 30 faculty members functioning on a contractual basis at the NIT. 15 of these teachers have gone to seek solace from the High Court citing rulings of the Supreme Court inter alia regularisation of contractual employees after prolonged service on ad-hoc basis.

Soft Nepal security poses threat

The incident that put Nepal on the global violent extremism map occurred in December 1999, with the hijacking of Indian Airlines flight IC 814 from Kathmandu.

Victory turned into defeat

The Taliban under the leadership of the mythical Mullah Akhundzada, who refuses to show his face in public, decided to apply sharia law from seventh century Medina in Afghanistan. Hand amputations, executions, all the good stuff.