


Cock a snook, grab a ride

Extensions at the top destabilize the entire structure of the army. A fresh wave of chief wannabes are denied the post; they have to retire with their desire unrequited.

Carbon conundrum

To be clear on the context, signatories to the Paris Agreement of 2015 agreed to limit temperature rises to less than two degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels by bringing emissions to net zero in 2050.

Pandora papers

The report by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, a network of more than 600 journalists including Indian, revealed the way world leaders and billionaire business people have used shell companies and offshore tax havens to park undeclared wealth.

Great Games~I

It seems the Taliban had developed a two-fold strategy: (i) to create disaffection among the people about the government, and the US and NATO forces, and, (ii) preparing for a final military assault to take over Kabul once the foreign forces left which, they assumed, was bound to happen.