


Fire affects shopping mall in Barrackpore

Barrackpore witnessed a devastating fire today near the Atindra Cinema Hall, located in the Ghoshpara area near Station Road. The fire sparked widespread panic among local residents as flames engulfed a shopping mall adjacent to the cinema.

New Zonal Manager of LIC

J S Tolia has taken charge as the new zonal manager in charge, LIC of India, Eastern Zone. Mr Tolia Joined LIC in 1989 as direct recruit officer.

Victory turned into defeat

The Taliban under the leadership of the mythical Mullah Akhundzada, who refuses to show his face in public, decided to apply sharia law from seventh century Medina in Afghanistan. Hand amputations, executions, all the good stuff.

Korean Hotline

Pyongyang has a record of unilaterally suspending the hotline on whim and then reactivating it when it needs to improve relations with its southern neighbour.

Putin’s winning

His attitudes and policies were shaped by the Cold War and while much has changed over the decades, the adversary for the Kremlin has always been the USA.

Race with China~I

The most significant advantage the India enjoys over China is of course its strong democratic tradition and decentralized model of governance as against China‘s highly centralized model which imposes its own limitations for a modern dynamic economy in the information age.