


8th International Young Chef Olympiad Kick-starts virtually

YCO 2022 has adopted the theme of Global Goals to encourage the culinary world to work together for a greater cause of environmental protection with a positive call to action towards sustainability. The theme lays impetus on the adoption of 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.

Encouraging Pro-Environmental Behavior Among Tourists

"With counterfactual narratives or prompts in textual and visual messages, the behaviour of tourists and the tourism business sector would evolve to be more pro-environmental," states Dr Kim, summarising the long-term implications of the study.

Franz Marc’s ‘The Foxes’ to be Centrepiece of Christie’s Global Auction Season

The Foxes, Franz Marc's 1913 masterpiece, will be auctioned at Christie's on March 1, 2022, with a pre-sale estimate on request (in the region of £35,000,000). It will be the centrepiece of Christie's 20th / 21st Century: London Evening Sale, a key auction in Christie's 20/21 Shanghai to London series that kicks off our major international sales in 2022.

Love calendar for the month of February

The day honours a very beautiful expression of love - a warm, comfortable hug from a loved one that will make you forget about all your problems. Give your loved one a tight, bone-crushing hug to show them how much you care.

41 potential ‘The Ones’ for daters in India

With this new study, created in collaboration with mathematician Neelakantha Bhanu, Bumble discovered that the average Indian dater can expect to meet multiple 'The Ones' throughout their lifetime.