

Statesman News Service

Campaign trail

If there is one similarity between the Prime Minister of India and the Chief Minister of West Bengal, it is that they take their politics seriously.

Colonising Minds

The world has been colonized, not by powerful nations, but by big money. Elected leaders, legislators, regulators, bureaucracies, law enforcement agencies, foreign policymakers, economists, educators and oversight institutions have all been co-opted for smoothening the way for profiteering by a few people. Nation states are being brought to heel, social security networks torn down and deleterious technology forced down peoples‘ throats for the enrichment of a handful of people, who have subverted the will of the masses, normalising corruption and teaching them to relish poison

India’s elderly women face brunt of exclusion

A total of 58 per cent of city’s elderly women do not feel financially secure. Sixty-seven per cent accept that elder abuse exists in society, even though only seven per cent have experienced it, among the lowest abuse figures in the country, as per the survey.