

Statesman News Service

Market Reckoning

The Indian middle class has witnessed a financial revolution in recent years. Encouraged by a booming stock market, low-cost digital platforms, and aggressive financial influencers, millions of households have moved their savings from traditional bank deposits to equities.

Curse of Capitalism

Capitalism, the ‘saviour of the free world,’ was touted as an economic paradigm that incentivised effort, encouraged barter and most crucially, brought power back into the deserving hands of the masses of regular, hard-working people.

Cuttack, Jagatsinghpur get new Collectors

“In exercise of the powers conferred under section 20(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 (Act II of 1974), the State Government do hereby appoint Shri Anupam Saha, IAS as the District Magistrate in the district of Jagatsinghpur,” the notification added.