In a sharp critique of former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, BJP state unit chief Virendra Sachdeva alleged that 50,000 flats constructed for the poor were allowed to fall into disrepair due to Kejriwal’s insistence on renaming them after himself and seeking personal credit for the Central Government’s housing project.
Sachdeva, who visited the flats in Bawana, North West Delhi, claimed that the Central Government had allocated Rs 12,000 crore to build these houses for sanitation workers and the underprivileged.
However, despite serving three terms as Chief Minister, Kejriwal allegedly neglected the allocation of these flats, instead making empty promises of constructing new ones.
Assuring the public of action under a BJP-led government, Sachdeva vowed that the party would restore the flats, just as the Central Government had provided quality housing for 4 crore citizens across India.
He emphasized that the “Swabhimaan Apartments,” built for Delhi’s underprivileged by the Central Government, stood in stark contrast to the Kejriwal government’s failure to allocate sufficient funds for their renovation. According to Sachdeva, a departmental request for Rs 250 crore to repair the flats was ignored, with only Rs 1 lakh allocated instead.
Accusing Kejriwal of treating the poor merely as a vote bank, Sachdeva said, “Today, we inspected the dilapidated flats, which are a consequence of Kejriwal’s obstinacy and political rivalry, thereby exposing his double standards.”
Accompanied by North West Delhi MP Yogendra Chandolia, Sachdeva live-streamed the visit to showcase the grim state of the flats. The BJP leaders highlighted issues such as damaged walls, poor maintenance, and dense overgrowth of wild plants and weeds around the premises.
Addressing the media, Chandolia criticized the Kejriwal government for its perceived injustice toward the underprivileged. “Arvind Kejriwal failed to deliver on his promises and acted in ways detrimental to the welfare of the poor during his tenure,” he said.
The BJP leaders strongly condemned the alleged waste of public funds and reiterated their commitment to addressing the housing needs of Delhi’s underprivileged if voted to power.