Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is on the road to recovery after a stabbing incident at his Bandra residence in the early hours of January 16. The actor is currently being treated at Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital. His sister, Soha Ali Khan, shared an update, saying, “We are happy that he is recovering well. We feel blessed and grateful that it wasn’t worse. Thank you for all your wishes.”
This is what Soha Ali Khan says:
The incident unfolded when an intruder, identified as Mohd Shariful Islam Shehzad, allegedly broke into Saif’s home with the intent to steal.
During a confrontation with the housemaid, Saif intervened and sustained stab wounds to his thoracic spine. The incident was reported by Aleyamma Philip, a 56-year-old staff nurse.
Mumbai Police confirmed that Shehzad, the attacker, is an illegal immigrant from Bangladesh. According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Dixit Gedam, “Preliminary evidence suggests the accused is a Bangladeshi national. He does not have valid Indian documents.” Items recovered during the investigation further supported this claim.
The accused was apprehended at Hiranandani Estate in Thane while attempting to flee to his native village in Bangladesh’s Jhalokati district. Shehzad has been remanded to five-day police custody by the Bandra Holiday Court. A case has been registered under multiple sections of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS).
Saif was rushed to Lilavati Hospital shortly after the attack. Doctors successfully removed a 2.5-inch-long blade from his thoracic spine during surgery.
Hospital officials confirmed that the actor has been moved from the ICU to a regular room and is now “out of danger.” However, medical staff are closely monitoring his condition.
The incident has sent shockwaves across the film industry, with fans and colleagues expressing their concern and wishing Saif a speedy recovery.