Cricketer Rinku Singh is set to marry Samajwadi Party MP from Machhilishahr, Priya Saroj. This has been confirmed by Priya’s father and SP MLA Toofani Saroj from Kerakat assembly constituency of Jaunpur here on Saturday.
The engagement and marriage is expected to take place after Champions trophy. SP MP from Machhlishahar Lok Sabha Priya Saroj’s MLA father Toofani Saroj has made it clear while talking to the media here that Priya Saroj and cricketer Rinku Singh are not engaged and just, first level talks have taken place for marriage after conversation with Rinku Singh’s father.
” Both are in touch with each other for the past one year but they had said that their marriage will be solomonised after both the families agree,” he said while adding that when both of them are ready for marriage ,then who are we to oppose it.
Toofani Saroj confirmed that the engagement will be held after Priya is free from Budget session of the Parliament and Rinku after participating in the Champions Trophy championship.
He disclosed that on Thursday last they had discussed the issue with Rinku’s father when the matter came to light.” This was our first round of talks,” SP MLA clarified.
Although there were rumours about this relationship for a long time, but there was no official confirmation.
Rinku Singh was born in a very ordinary family of Aligarh. His father used to distribute LPG cylinders . Rinku himself initially helped his father in the work of cylinder distribution and while fighting poverty, made his place on the cricket field.
On the other side Priya Saroj is one of the youngest MP and was elected last year in the general election from Machhlishahr ( reserved) seat when she was just 25 years. She belonged to the family of politicians . Her father Toofani Saroj is a former MP and presently SP MLA.