Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan suffered injuries during his scuffle with an intruder in his Mumbai abode late on Wednesday Night. During the confrontation, the perpetrator stabbed the actor. Subsequently, Saif was rushed to Lilavati Hospital for immediate treatment and his family soon arrived to be by his side. A doctor from the hospital revealed that the actor suffered six injuries with one being very close to his spine. As per the latest updates, Saif is now out of danger and is recovering.
In his statement to the media, Dr Nitin Dange shared the details. “Saif Ali Khan was admitted to the hospital at 2 am with an alleged history of assault by some unknown person. He sustained a major injury to the thoracic spinal cord due to a lodged knife in the spine.”
The medical professional added, “A surgery was performed to remove the knife and repair leaking spinal fluid. Two other deep wounds on his left hand and one other on his neck were repaired by the plastic surgery team. He is completely stable now. He is recovering well and out of danger now.” Another doctor iterated the actor is on the path to recovery. “The recovery should be 100 per cent as per our understanding.”
Prior to the surgery, the doctors revealed that the actor was suffering from six injuries. “Saif has six stabs and two are deep,” Dr Niraj Uttamani told PTI earlier. “Of this, one is close to the spine. He is being operated upon by a team of doctors led by neurosurgeon Dr Nitin Dange, cosmetic surgeon Dr Leena Jain and anaesthesiologist Dr Nisha Gandhi.” The doctor elaborated, “He sustained six injuries, two are minor, two intermediate and two deep injuries, one of the injuries is on the back which is close to spine.”
For more details, read: Saif Ali Khan stabbed by intruder, recovering at Lilavati Hospital
While the culprit managed to escape, Saif’s eldest son, Ibrahim rushed him to the hospital. Since a car was not available, Ibrahim helped his bleeding father into an auto to take him to the hospital. Meanwhile, the Police stated that they had identified an accused. “Ten teams have been formed to catch him. Preliminary investigation suggests he entered Saif Ali Khan’s house using the stairs with the intention of committing robbery. Further details will be disclosed once the accused is taken into custody.”
Further details about the intrusion are awaited.