Addressing a gathering in Haryana’s Bhiwani on Saturday, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Sunita Kejriwal said that if the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) comes to power, the government will fulfil guarantees of free electricity, Mohalla clinics, high-quality government hospitals, and schools, as well as provide Rs 1,000 per month to women and jobs to the youth.
She stated that, like in Delhi, every family in Haryana would benefit from free electricity, good education, and medical treatment if AAP came to power in the state.
Sunita Kejriwal claimed that AAP is committed to women’s empowerment and criticised the BJP for its failures in providing employment and ensuring the safety of women.
While speaking on women’s empowerment in Bhiwani on Saturday, she said that the five guarantees given by Arvind Kejriwal will play an important role in empowering every woman of Haryana.
“This time, give Arvind Kejriwal a chance to build a new Haryana,” the AAP national convener’s wife said.
Later, she addressed a public meeting in the Meham assembly constituency of Rohtak district.
Sunita Kejriwal claimed that the work that many big parties could not do, was done by Kejriwal, who is the son and brother of women of Haryana.
She alleged that her husband, the AAP chief, had been put behind bars in a false case so his work for people could be stopped.
Urging the electorate to vote for AAP, Mrs Kejriwal emphasised the importance of the upcoming election on October 5. She appealed to everyone, including sisters, mothers, and brothers to cast their votes.
“Your son and brother has transformed Delhi and Punjab. Now, you must give him the opportunity to transform Haryana,” she urged the people.
Mrs Kejriwal assured that AAP would focus on improving health facilities and providing excellent government schools in Haryana. She asked the people to give AAP a chance to make a difference in the state.