Justice (retd) Inder Singh Uboweja was sworn in as the Chief Lokayukta of Chhattisgarh at a ceremony held at Raj Bhavan on Tuesday. Governor Ramen Deka administered the oath of office, marking the beginning of Uboweja’s tenure in this crucial role aimed at strengthening the state’s anti-corruption efforts.
The event was attended by Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai, Assembly Speaker Dr Raman Singh, MP Brijmohan Agrawal, former MP Sunil Soni, and other notable public figures. Additional Chief Secretary Renu Pillay presided over the proceedings.
Governor Deka and Chief Minister Sai congratulated Justice Uboweja on his appointment, presenting him with floral bouquets as a gesture of respect and encouragement. Former Chief Lokayukta TP Sharma, State Information Commissioner NK Shukla, former Information Commissioner Manoj Pawar, and Director General of Police Ashok Juneja were also present, along with senior officials and family members of Justice Uboweja.
Justice Uboweja’s appointment is expected to bring a renewed focus on transparency and accountability in Chhattisgarh, enhancing the state’s efforts to uphold ethical governance. His extensive experience in the judiciary is anticipated to significantly contribute to the state’s anti-corruption framework.