The Samajwadi Party has appointed Lal Bihari Yadav as the Leader of Opposition in the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Council whereas Mohammad Jasmir Ansari has been made the Deputy Leader.
Similarly, Kiranpal Kashyap has been appointed Chief Whip while Ashutosh Sinha has been made Whip of the Legislative Council.
This was announced by the party here on Monday.
Lal Bihari Yadav was the leader of SP in the Legislative Council, but till now the SP did not have enough members to get the Leader of Opposition post.
The SP got three seats in the elections for 13 vacant posts on May 5. Now its total number of members in the Legislative Council has increased to 10, which is equal to the number of members required to become the Leader of Opposition.
Lal Bihari Yadav had also gone to the court to get the status of the Leader of Opposition in the Upper House. Hence, the party has decided to give this responsibility to him.