T Jayaprakash, the father of the deceased veterinary student, JS Siddharthan, who was found dead inside the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University hostel, Pookode campus in Wayanad, after brutal ragging and assault allegedly by SFI workers, on Sunday said that he would stage a protest in front of the Cliff House, the official residence of the Chief Minister, against attempts to save the culprits and sabotage the CBI investigation into the death of his son.
Speaking to media persons here, Jayaprakash accused Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan of deceiving him with empty promises. He said the state government’s directive for a CBI probe into the case was sent to the CBI office in Kochi instead of the Union Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.
He alleged that attempts are being made to subvert the probe and protect the accused. He demanded that all persons involved in the death of his son be booked.
“Some girls captured the visuals of the ragging. They should be interrogated in the case. However, neither the college nor the police have taken action against them,” Jayaprakash said.
Jayaprakash also questioned the exclusion of Akshay, allegedly being protected by former minister M M Mani, from the list of individuals implicated in the case. He also demanded clarity on why the Dean has not been indicted if he is indeed at fault. “He has been suspended, but why has he not been included in the case?” asked Jayaprakash.
He also accused P M Arsho, the state secretary of the SFI, the student’s wing of the CPI-M, of being aware of the physical assault on his son and choosing to remain silent.
Jayaprakash alleged that his son had told him 4-5 months before his death about Arsho’s frequent visits to their hostel. “Why did Arsho ignore the assault that had been happening for eight months?” he asked.
Though Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan had ordered a CBI inquiry into Siddharthan’s death on March 9 and the notification recommending the CBI probe into the death was issued the same day, it was handed over to the agency only on March 16. Moreover, the proforma report has not been submitted to the CBI. The CBI needs a comprehensive report detailing the case before considering the investigation.
It is alleged that the state government has been soft-pedalling the procedures required for the CBI’s takeover of the case. Opposition Leader V D Satheesan accused the state government of delaying things so that the evidence could be destroyed before the CBI took over the case.
JS Siddharthan, a second-year veterinary student at the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Pookode campus in Wayanad, was found dead inside the hostel following a brutal incident of ragging and assault allegedly by SFI leaders on February 18. Siddharth was reportedly beaten up by SFI leaders at four separate locations within the college premises. However, the SFI has denied the allegations.